I just decided to take a short run through part of a neighborhood while waiting on family doing some business. It was way too hot and I wasn't dressed for running except my shoes. I think it was around 85 degrees and disgustingly sunny. I'm trying to work up the courage to start running more of Greenville, as I don't care for running in the towns at all. The alleys drive me … [Read more...]
Horrendously Hot on Holtzmuller Road
All I can say is YUCK. It was in the high 80's and it sucked the life out of me. VERY slow slog with a few walk breaks just because I really didn't feel like running anymore but neither did I feel like hitching a ride back to my car. Thankfully, Filbruns Pond in West Manchester was waiting for me when I got done. A tepid pond never felt quite so good! … [Read more...]
Curious Deer on White-Coppess Road
This was a comfortable 6 mile run covering a few roads in Ansonia, Ohio and the loop immediately to the NorthEast. I had another semi-crazy raccoon fussing at me from the edge of some trees and then a bit later I played leapfrog with a nice whitetail deer. Kidding about the leapfrogging bit, but he would run a little, stop and look at me, and then run some more when I got … [Read more...]
It’s a (Scary) Three Dog Night
I've got a problem developing... You see, I've always been fine with dogs and I'm kind of morphing into not trusting any of them anymore. When you realize even a dog named "Pretzel" could put a real hurt on you, you tend to get wary of all of them. I've discovered my number one hazard in running all the roads of Darke County is all the country dogs that think I'm infringing … [Read more...]
Daily Run – New Madison – Coletown – Byrket Rd.
Some runs are fun. Some runs are boring. Some runs you see stuff. Some runs you don't. This was a boring run, in the dark, I didn't see a thing worth mentioning. The very definition of a bread and butter run just to get some miles in: … [Read more...]
Bass Cemetery on Ross Road
Starting and ending at Bass Cemetery on Ross Road, my most elderly son and I had a somewhat rare opportunity to run together this morning. Sadly, we don't get out quite early enough and the sun got quite warm REAL quick! It was around 70 degrees when we started and was pushing 80 a little over an hour later. 6.27 miles total. We had a great discussion on the merits of … [Read more...]
Insane Raccoon Posse
I hardly know what to say about this. Really. I simply had no idea a raccoon could be so utterly crazy! I'd file this under "Favorite Runs", but really the run itself wasn't all that memorable, except the nutzoid raccoon... I was happily going about my business plodding along at a nice slow pace toward the end of a seven mile run, if memory serves me right, about a mile … [Read more...]
SABRE Red Police Strength Pepper Spray for Runners
Sadly, it's come down to this... I get a chunk taken out me me eventually, or I get some pepper spray and carry it religiously. Simply put, there are just way too many aggressive dogs out in the country and all it takes is one big meanie to spoil the fun for everyone! I had some older bear spray but the can was pretty big for running and it was expired so I decided to browse … [Read more...]
Running in Amish Country and Death by Horse Manure
So, this weekend I found myself in “Amish Country” - Holmes County, Ohio, for a meeting. From the meeting place to the house where I was staying is about seven miles, so I figured I would go ahead and run “home” on Friday. The only problem is… hills… they are huge, and steep! Over the last six years I’ve become a bona-fide flatlander. There are a few very small hills around … [Read more...]
Thank You Darke County Chamber of Commerce!
A big "Thank You" to the Darke County, Ohio Chamber of Commerce for the free county maps they provide. They have a great paper map that I use to document my runs of Darke County. I just highlight each section as I do them (or as I remember to highlight them). Pay them a visit and you may discover things about Darke County you never knew, even if you've been around a long time! … [Read more...]