While I know it’s not technically necessary to drink water on anything but my longer runs, there are times when I do like to carry water with me, even on shorter 5-6 mile runs. I’ve not tried a handheld water bottle, but I think that would really annoy me. I really don’t like carrying anything in my hands, not even a little tube of pepper spray. I decided to give a belt style … [Read more...]
Princeton Tec Remix Headlamp
Maybe I'm a little strange, or maybe I just have a special sense of adventure, but I really like running in the dark (Not just Darke County, actual darkness!) Not much is more enjoyable than running on a cool evening by moonlight, but sadly, the moon is sometimes hiding and I have to break out a headlamp. My headlamps do triple duty... First, they give me something to flash … [Read more...]
How I Became the “Darke Runner”
DarkeRunner.com is about my discovery of running and the role it is playing in my journey back to physical and mental health after a brain injury in early 2012. I have gone from being an injured and completely sedentary “desk potato” to having a goal of running every road in Darke County, Ohio - all 2500 miles or so, over the next couple years. You can see my progress as I … [Read more...]
The Great Icicle Run of 2013
This definitely rates as one of my favorite runs for the sheer, ummmm, stupidity of it? My most elderly boy and I decided to go out for a 4 mile loop near the house at sundown just as it started to drizzle a little bit. Nevermind that it was 33 degrees. Yes, if you're from Ohio you probably know exactly what this means! Freezing Rain! I'm not sure what happened but by the … [Read more...]